
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

17 November, 2009


Like the first fast rays of the sun
Your eyes pierced my soul
Straight through my heart
The cloud of gloom

Like the eagle
My heart soared into the sky
Earth and heaven asunder
My joy knows no bound…
And my face;
Miles of smiles

My lips quivered like feathers in a gale
Hungry and searching
From yours a permanent seal
And in your arms
Warmth like no other
On earth I found.

Like pigeons,
Like doves together we’ll be
Pecking and perching in the sky
Our hands stretched for company
In the wind
At dusk we’ll play.

Grow with me Love
Till the approach of sundown
Lead me to thy fireplace
And let us reminisce ‘pamoja’
In great nostalgia we’ll reflect
Our exploits..
Our adventures..
As we traversed the fabric of romance
And like the birds we’ll sing
Bye Bye
Good day.

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