
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

17 November, 2009


I felt your presence
In the whisper of the winds
In the piercing coldness
Of solitary nightness
Your formless shadow
Deposited me
              But alas!
The tangible me remained
Ensconced between the warmth
Of seductive bedding
Stupidity squatting beside me,
I snored on,
Vainly caressing that formless you.
             I heard you sing,
Distantly cajoled my patience
And hope
In a wilderness of pessimists
So I learnt,
Mastered the art
Of cyclical shadow-chasing
Graduated with honours
In Superficial Intimacy

             And now,
Into the deep open seas
Of murderous hatred
I steer this breaking vessel
Choking from protruding
Weeds of stale expectations..
             For these,
I refuse to swallow the bait
Of servitude
And my pride screams
Against my imprisonment

          So outward bound I am
Standing at the helm
And ready to set sail,
For my pride screams
Against my imprisonment;

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