
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

21 October, 2015


Ooh God of All Creations,
please look after the clowns
that run our public affairs
that their buffoonery may not sink
the dreams of a generation
but deliver us from the HASHTACracy

bless this our land and nation
fatten those that steal our inheritance
and burst the bellies of the digitally-corrupt
may you hasten their delivery
to the cold concrete slabs of high-end morgues

justice be our shield and defender
not their eating-without-out surrender
govern our appetite to elect ushenzi
and shield them from all accountability

may we dwell in chosen consequences
embrace the birth-product of our (s)elections
that we may know peace and liberty
only as enablers of an eating economy

may plenty be found within our borders
how else will we find some crumbs
from the high table of State-led Corruption?

© October 2015

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