
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

10 October, 2011


we rise and we fall
we sing and we cheer
we laugh as we cry
we shoot and we miss

the rains never stop coming
the dust never really settles
the drumbeats of change are late
everywhere we search for the One

what if we saw we as the One
and stopped the futile search
for the One

what if we chose
to be the change,
that spark of brilliant humanity
we so passionately envision
..... and desire

what if we stopped searching away
and turned
for a moment,
to us

what if we found
we are the One
we've been waiting for
searching for
longing for

life happens

let the rains stop
let the dust settle
let us fall to rise
.....never fail to rise
let the tears and the laughter mingle
because you are the one you've been waiting for

change happens

© October 2011

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