
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

03 October, 2011

TERMI-LUO-LOGY - How luos call them

THIEF                                      - Wealth (re)Distribution Officer
GARDENER                            - Landscape Executive
HOUSE MAID                         - Domestic Operations Specialist
TYPIST                                    - Printed Document Handler
MESSENGER                          - Business Communications Conveyer
WINDOW CLEANER -          - Visibility & Transparency Enhancement Specialist
TEMPORARY TEACHER       - Associate Tutor
TEA BOY                                 - Refreshments Overseer
GARBAGE COLLECTOR      - Public Sanitation Technician
WATCHMAN                          - Theft Prevention and Surveillance Officer
DRIVER                                  - Automobile Propulsion Specialist
RECEPTIONIST                     - Office Access Control Specialist
COOK                                    - Culinary arts and Allied Officer
BARTENDER                         - Certified Liquor Specialist
HOUSEWIFE                         - Permanent Secretary- Home Affairs

© October 2011

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