
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

17 October, 2011


life is not a straight line
this they said

suspect bends....
.... unscrupulous speed bumps
jolt you into unwelcome awakeness
sobriety regained!

am a brother unto the night
a sailor's lighthouse
in a turbulent sea

you're a sister in distant lands
asleep when i wake
awake when i sleep
never give up

distance is the road travelled
not the journey,

signs i missed
of gathering cumulonimbus
so here i am
drenched in mournful wetness
of scattered visions
a mission so aborted

you were
just but a sister in distant lands
asleep when i wake
awake when i sleep
so never give up

© October 2011 


you sleep. i stare
i smile. you moan
outside, the night hisses by

the autumn rain drops
softly pattering upon the windowsill

down below,
Westcott Street clears

yet you know
that here with me
you are in a safer place

© October 2011

10 October, 2011


we rise and we fall
we sing and we cheer
we laugh as we cry
we shoot and we miss

the rains never stop coming
the dust never really settles
the drumbeats of change are late
everywhere we search for the One

what if we saw we as the One
and stopped the futile search
for the One

what if we chose
to be the change,
that spark of brilliant humanity
we so passionately envision
..... and desire

what if we stopped searching away
and turned
for a moment,
to us

what if we found
we are the One
we've been waiting for
searching for
longing for

life happens

let the rains stop
let the dust settle
let us fall to rise
.....never fail to rise
let the tears and the laughter mingle
because you are the one you've been waiting for

change happens

© October 2011

06 October, 2011


Even though I saw you cry

Wiping tears of great loss
Even though around you
Your feet wobbled
And the earth sunk
You must not cry
For you were among them!

Among those who went
To bed with the sun
While the wind slept in the horizon
Among those who sneaked out of Nyayo I
Hidden by the infancy of a new day
When the blades of grass
Still lay in conjugation
With the dews of yesternight!

You knew Brother,
You knew that chics must play
And anxious thighs lay
In wait for nomadic shafts
You knew that chics must play
Yet you joined the horses in their bay
To the rhymes of moral decadence you swayed..

And now,
Caught in the web of dark passions
You ask:
Which way shall I go?
Which way?
You will grope in the night
Lost among thickets of blind emotions
You will tread decades of broken promises
Your conscience craving redemption
You will search in the dim groves
Where gods no longer resided,
Gods who served REDEMPTION.

© October 2011


As blows the wind upon land
Sweeping all in its wake
Thus flees the glory of this world
In your days take heed brethren
In totality to live right
Right and nice
For the melting ice
Of wealth and trappings
Beneath your sacred feet
May one day give way
And carry the weight
Of all possessions
Loved and cherished

From the poles of plenty
Percolating across
The tropics of scarcity
Leaving you vain
Helpless in the face
Of howling storms of life
This life
Without shelter, and naked

© October 2011



When you sat
On the shadowy pillows
On the coldness of mortality
Perhaps when you climbed
To the highest echelons
Of happiness
Of eternity….

You did not fathom
The emptiness in us
The pain of departure….

I love to visualise
A contented you
To sit and sing and swing
Of the dirges then
The sorrows I bore
As we marched on
Holding your immobile self
Destined for final abode

It was meant to be
Perhaps t`was end
Of the stream for you
But a sad end for us
Who remained below
Nursing our solitude
Merely hugging nostalgia

© October 2011

03 October, 2011


i walk
i stare
i sit
i stand

Java is busy
almost suffocatingly so
slices of home frys later and am sorted

now back to work
too many distractions
from God the Artist

a mass of diversity entertains me
at every turn
an octogenarian is dozing off
to the chagrin of her 'date'?!

big black swings by
an 'eyes-only' ninja exits in a huff
white slender is almost swept by the wind
they say the thinner the better,

what is !?!

i smell the sweet baby corns
turning my head
i see more more variety
my eyes entertained yet again

Aah, God the Artist

i digress again.

© October 2011


on the shores of home
smudges of (in)humanity
colour my inborn
but now mediated naivete

i cross the streets
sunken in this
turbulent vibrancy
imagining home as it was
not home as it is

yester-night's tv images linger
my mental storage capacity
floods with disaster pornography
of dead mothers and dying infants
livestock staggering to mortality
childhoods stolen, livelihoods lost

in this land,
farmers rot in poverty
as uncollected milk quenches
the thirst of a grateful earth
and maize and sugar barons
belch in amoral satisfaction
babes hold on to lifeless emaciated breasts
dangling from expired Mamas

when will this madness stop

mr Prime Minister:
distribution. not production
common sense. not rocket science
even GMOs at gunpoint is not enough

Kenyans for Kenyans is not enough
there has to be a way
a deeper way
another way

which way Kenya

© October 2011

TERMI-LUO-LOGY - How luos call them

THIEF                                      - Wealth (re)Distribution Officer
GARDENER                            - Landscape Executive
HOUSE MAID                         - Domestic Operations Specialist
TYPIST                                    - Printed Document Handler
MESSENGER                          - Business Communications Conveyer
WINDOW CLEANER -          - Visibility & Transparency Enhancement Specialist
TEMPORARY TEACHER       - Associate Tutor
TEA BOY                                 - Refreshments Overseer
GARBAGE COLLECTOR      - Public Sanitation Technician
WATCHMAN                          - Theft Prevention and Surveillance Officer
DRIVER                                  - Automobile Propulsion Specialist
RECEPTIONIST                     - Office Access Control Specialist
COOK                                    - Culinary arts and Allied Officer
BARTENDER                         - Certified Liquor Specialist
HOUSEWIFE                         - Permanent Secretary- Home Affairs

© October 2011


I hope the sun
shares its warmth with you - always
i hope you'll be true to your heart as in dreams

i hope life treats you kind
ever so in the toughest of tempests
you'll find solace in the future's flattering possibilities
i hope too that you smile when you remember


and when you descend into the underworld
an find that the waters are as blue
as the illusions we see
days darker than the worst nights you knew

adorn not your latest shades
but take heed of the telling signs
and your heart prepare for a grand return

© October 2011