
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

09 August, 2019

HABEMUS #JordanHawi

You arrived here. 
clothed in clouds of drowsiness
a final borrow
from mum's anaesthesia

though a detour to the HDU
filled us with trepidation
you arrived safe. still

contentment reigns
no worthier co-heir
and Naimah the brilliant one smiles
karibu to this
our huduma republic

100K debt no doubt
a crown of thorns
around your graceful innocence
a future so indeterminate
a politics devoid of values
and generations lost to worries

come on though
for you too are a child
of this great universe
deserving of Daddily love

And so 50:50 it is
and #OnWard 
both must trudge
equal in the thickets of this life
naimah for hawi for naimah

not the boys less
but the girls more.

or is it?

© August 2019

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