
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

25 August, 2016


Sometimes it may seem unlikely that you matter
and that you too matter
yet you both do
when the dust settles and
the drumbeats of war drowned and
the ghosts of companionship stand appeased
by the steely silence of an empty seat at the top of the dinner table

when the roaring ambition dies
to be replaced by complacent acceptance 
of fate as it shouldn't be
you still will matter

rest then
in solid solidarity of oneness
knowing too that you too matter not only now
as you were but then as you'll be

for in the fullness of time, when the thunder dies and
the skies clear and
the props drop and
everybody recedes in the bitter-sweet aftertaste of farewell....
only you two must carry the legacy
shall carry the legacy
carry the legacy
the legacy

my enduring footprints in the sands (mud?) of time.

© August 2016

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