
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

24 May, 2014


Villains as saviours
saviours as traitors
in this game of deaths
where sanity breeds insanity
self-contained contradictions
abound in this ironical chase of chase cars

and to you
bearers and purveyors of deceit alike
will the liquid weight of red
soon become unbearable
forcefully expunging
an unbearable putrid smell
of enslaved nationhood

or will we settle down to indulge
in celebrating a 50year old gangrene
new bandage. old wounds
new vipers. same septic wells

be afraid when the eyes are no longer
reliable windows to the soul
and tears flood and flow
the clogs of lies
that have bound generations
to pseudo-ethnic identities

when then shall we 'others' rise
to join the moments of access
in this death dance of survival
to inject an alternate vision
such vision unchained to the highlands

for we.
are a people.

© May 2014

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