
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

15 July, 2011


Now you know
that when i said yes
that long ago by the nameless stream
i meant also daima!
a commitment not minor

now you know
that when we both walked
among the tall eucalyptus,
embraced in the glow of receding daylight
it was then that our souls were soldered together

still i know you know
that when i chose to stay behind
chose that unpermitted extension
it was of a graduate's uncertain paths
it was for a greater purpose
but unpermitted none-the-less

now you know
that when you played
and i never strayed
'twas not for a lack of playfields
or a dearth of skills

i know now you know
with the settling of dust
and the silence of spectator drums
that i truly meant

a return to the source!

© July 2011

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