
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

29 July, 2010


You and i
for far too long
have danced around the fires
that fed the cacophonous crowd
of 'friendly' cheerleaders

Now we stand or sit or squat
here and there in these
   indeterminate spaces

The vultures must now stand down
spent spectators in this game of lust
and us?
we must gaze across the dying flames
       and lick our smothered
but shared soul

we both lie prostrate
exhausted and consumed by this duel
   of strong egos
And pride!
pride that congests our rational faculties
tearing us apart
splintered into smithereens
  of micro-pieces of humanity

Tell me
did you know
like i do now
that though the flame may burn low
though the light may dim
as it will sometimes,
the heat and warmth of us will never fail?

We must now a ceasefire call
our eyes to meet
our hearts to embrace in renewed vigour

Expunge the bile of betrayal
         bile of mistrust
         bile of vengeance
vengeance that kept us warm at night

We must now a ceasefire call
our eyes to meet
our hearts to embrace in renewed vigour

© July 2010

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