
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

26 April, 2010


The skyline recedes into safety
In the land of the living dead
Where bittersweet memories
Inconvenient truths
And guilty streams
Must now mingle
With strategic forgetfulness
And a generously forgiving heart
If only for your survival
To halt conspicuous weight loss
Secure for you a temporary return to sanity

To sleep when awake
You walk the night in bowed head
Counting nightbirds
In their glowing wings in the dark
Is it a dream or a nightmare
Reality or actuality

Crisscrossing the streets
You search for answers to questions
Only yesterday
You never thought possible
And now,
You stand still, again
Absent-mindedness in a daze
Compelled only to a rampant denial
of imagined realities

You sit and sigh
The trees nod in acceptance
The wind
The wind begins the torture, again.
And when suddenly
All the battle is done
And I am bloody and sweaty
I'll look up into the open skies
    my benediction to declare
And suddenly you realise From a thin ray of light
Yes I can
...for i too
am a child of the gods
needing their love against the odds
should i now not take a deserved rest
assured of life's greatest desires
or should i dance upon the mangled wreck
       of Jericho's collapsed walls?

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