
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

28 February, 2010


Do not turn away sneeringly
From the homeless in our midst
Those forever condemned
To sweet slumber in the alleys
Of glittering cities

Never spit on street tenants
Those sentenced to perpetual begging
By heartless fate

Do not cajole the jobless amongst us
Those whose brains choke with ´-isms´
Hearts searching for relevance of ´-ologys´
Resumes wasting away
In the dust of forgotten shelves
Do not cajole them
For only they know the pain of waiting

25 February, 2010


Receding tides or calming waves

You who held sway in life with beautiful memorials

You whose true meaning now shifts under sinking sand
Turning into vanity the laughters of yore
The promise of rainbows
And chapters that will forever
                    remain unwritten
In the memoirs of togetherness
14th of the Saint
16th of an Angel’s birth
24th of the Flowery nights

Receding tides or calming waves?

21 February, 2010


As the roses rise
And blossom tomorrow,
And Lianas sway
In the morning dew,
May your affection
For loved ones
Join in the Serenade
Of enduring oneness.

May your path,
Forever so special
    evade the prickly shrubs of solitude
Let the fire…. and the ice
Of tomorrow’s passion
Mingle to consummate
Your vowed

19 February, 2010

BROKEN. . . .

Sitting here, In this night lecture
My heart and mind strays eastwards
Yet none knows it perhaps
Not the enthusiastic Prof,
Not this lady beside me so fair
And none for sure can
But me
May be Anne Abaho too
For Uganda seems as far
Like a bird my self wanders
Through the vastness
Of time and space
Seeking out connexions
Or is it reconnexions
But alas!
I get lost
My spirit lost above
The cold Atlantic waters….
Nothing works, Life as cold
People no less, but some
An authentic soul staggers
Searching for a foothold
No easy task I say
This outsider business

12 February, 2010


Remember us
When the wind has gone away
Blown far into silent mortality
When you no more
Can hold me by the hand
Nor I embrace you in silence

Remember me
When no more day by day
We tell of our future hopes
On each sunny day;
Away from one another
We reminisce in vain
The past unable to regain
Only remember Us
It may be late to change
But never too late to pray
For then, As now
There will be hope beyond the mountains
And your help from above shall come
Forget not the beauty of the journey
Even though without destiny we now stand
It is time to Lift your head high
Gaze into the scintillating
Yet uncertain future
It is time
To bend down and smell a flower

Remember us I say
But not always I know

If you should forget for a while
And afterwards remember
Do not grieve for me
Or us
Or for what now shall never be
For if betrayal and loss
Leave a vestige of my care upon you…
And not the selfishness
      You so gently pronounced
Better by far you forget and smile,
Than remember (me)
And be sad!