
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

02 September, 2020

MASENO SCHOOL - Return to the Source

Today and tonight I went back to those early days, formative days they say. I retraced my footsteps through the sands (dusts?) of time, (re)entering the hallowed gates of this fountain that lay astride the Equator. I embraced this humble, unsung giant, a giant nonetheless for those who 'danced' on its concrete paths, touched its tended lawns and travelled its tarmacked highways. Not just from Stansfeld to Owen and Willis, but importantly from Dr. Robert Ouko to Bowers and Olang' and the memory of W.J.O Amadi. Why shouldn't I, for i am a MOBA if you must. 

I crossed to the other side too, where highlife now resides.

And tomorrow when the sun rises above River Miehe. Miehe where we ran to fetch the coloured waters in the choking droughts of the mid-dying 90s when we wore Yellow and Blue and Purple and weird bullet-proof vests. Vest so wrongfully enChristened games kits!
I remembered descending River Miehe..., clothed in the all powerful imposing Red of Dr. Robert Ouko. 
Aaah! memories

So tomorrow, as the sun rises above River Miehe, I will stroll past the imposing Old Mackay, across the Academic Quadrangle, past the resilient Jacob's Well towards the ageless indefatigable Oseno tree where it all began in 1905. As I enter timelessness that is The Rock of Ages, I will humble myself before the Lord so that I may be lifted as I reminisce and reconnect with those Sundays many moons past.

I hope they sing my favourite tunes. I hope the Golden Bells lifts my youthful soul one more time. I hope too, that they shall sing about blessings.

                "Where upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
                    When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
                                    Count your many blessings
                                        Name them one by one
                          And it will surprise you  what the Lord hath done."

© February 2020

09 August, 2019

HABEMUS #JordanHawi

You arrived here. 
clothed in clouds of drowsiness
a final borrow
from mum's anaesthesia

though a detour to the HDU
filled us with trepidation
you arrived safe. still

contentment reigns
no worthier co-heir
and Naimah the brilliant one smiles
karibu to this
our huduma republic

100K debt no doubt
a crown of thorns
around your graceful innocence
a future so indeterminate
a politics devoid of values
and generations lost to worries

come on though
for you too are a child
of this great universe
deserving of Daddily love

And so 50:50 it is
and #OnWard 
both must trudge
equal in the thickets of this life
naimah for hawi for naimah

not the boys less
but the girls more.

or is it?

© August 2019

23 July, 2019


Evil reigns
over public good
light shudders
at the sight of darkness
darkness thrives

what a pity
what sacrilege
that such a collection
of unethical biomass
should be called Jubilee

evil reigns.

© July 2019


Splinters of an African Spring
dominoes of freedom
dominoes that spread love


echoes of malice
tom toms of delayed tomorrows
rend the air


we heard your echoes
in the "Occupy Movements"
of a morally indefensible Europe
Obamaland too was pollinated 

All lives matter they said
#BlackLivesMatter we say


fertilized agitations
fuel a desperate search 
for new humanity


Tunisia rises yet again
the limits of revolutions without revolutionaries

aborted dreams or dreams deferred?

Cairo? Tunis? Khartoum?
did we thinking about the post-revolutionary moment?

© July 2019

10 September, 2018


September sneaks upon us
like a shadow
climate change pushes
July's cold this far
farewell to home and Babylon

it is now only September
but July, too was an end
hope rises

there shall be renewal
and grass in green lushes
will grow again
embracing barren grounds
sealing the now-visibly angry cracks

and cleavages
and rifts
and departures

but for now
we must now set upon new paths
and new journeys

when the rain clouds gather
who are we to wrestle with the gods of plenty
and goddesses of restlessness

we have
in heated moments
of passionate divergence
imposed upon ourselves new missions
for new seasons

nothing is permanent
nothing, they say
nothing lasts forever

but hope
what of hope?

© September 2018