
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

10 September, 2018


September sneaks upon us
like a shadow
climate change pushes
July's cold this far
farewell to home and Babylon

it is now only September
but July, too was an end
hope rises

there shall be renewal
and grass in green lushes
will grow again
embracing barren grounds
sealing the now-visibly angry cracks

and cleavages
and rifts
and departures

but for now
we must now set upon new paths
and new journeys

when the rain clouds gather
who are we to wrestle with the gods of plenty
and goddesses of restlessness

we have
in heated moments
of passionate divergence
imposed upon ourselves new missions
for new seasons

nothing is permanent
nothing, they say
nothing lasts forever

but hope
what of hope?

© September 2018

08 August, 2018


When the dignity of giants
stay drowned
in the cacophonous rattle
of ethical dwarfs

to find our place in the sun
to dream and chase dreams
unhindered by the artificialities
of last names
and geographies
and genders

to be. simply
a people with a new-found

to make out nationhood indivisible
to be consumed by all
in all
for all

© August 2018

17 July, 2018


Come on now
You can't die on me just yet

toooo much unfinished business we got
too much body-luggage
and holding keys to the city
this is no state to go to paradiso 

i ken't

and talking of your ribs
they are yet to crackle

are you afraid of happiness
delivered by born again pagans
or merely the religious tap of wicked fingers

is this dance the real deal
or merely a contested mutuality.

© July 2018

12 April, 2018


We colonised the skies
there was nowhere to fly

together we drained the swamps
they had nowhere to breed
and no air to breath

killing the competition
was mastered time-stamp

conquests w/as an art
and love?
love is a state of mental instability.

© April 2018

12 January, 2018


Here you are!
pretty thing. tiny feet. purer heart

how time flies and tries and dies
before our very eyes
four shallow years
set to drift by tomorrow

it seems so close to yesterday
that brief ceremony of scalpels
from which you came forth
shrills of thrill in medicated rooms

where sanitized air and i
soothed your dazed mama
to tentative slumber
your welcome shrill an only interruption

four seasons of joy
punctuated with moments
of stiffening trepidation
from birth pains to growth pains

the rise and fall of seasons

no one knows
what tomorrow holds
but in this concert of daddily rhymes
love reigns
with uncontested affection 

grow up Nay
happy 48 moons mama!

© January 2018