
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

29 April, 2015


With our feet dangling
dangerously by the water of the Lolwe
and Heineken takes its rightful toll
on our creative faculties

we shall sit  unstill with Kiama
and others not before the court
and there,
gazing into the patient waters of Lolwe
dare to imaginate new possibilities

and the weakened Nyanza sun
sensing our impatience with lightness
shall give way
- albeit reluctantly -
to exciting ways of the dark night

© April 2015

18 April, 2015


I turn and swirl in endless motions
grasping at spineless dreams
clasping reeds of needs
gasping for elusive airs

my mortality affirmed
by this whirlwind of needs

deeds, not needs

the worst of me cancels
fades out in the face of the best of me
what then is immortality

we are in this together

even though
the viciousness of old dogs
now flirts dangerously close
to the carelessness of you

we are in this together
my mortality
by this whirlwind of needs.

© April 2015