
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

30 September, 2013


It is the echo of silence
that perturbs the souls of men
for women too must surrender
to the thriving fragrance of success

it is the way of womanity

a heart once cluttered now flowers
the cracks but temporary
healed and sealed

you are a miracle worker
perhaps the finest of them all

should i dwell in memory
of the best 'other'
or embrace the bittersweet
indulgence of new freedoms

i choose not the wanderer
but the calm embrace of the walk i took
into the beckoning tranquility
of uncertain pathways

yet so good to the eyes
we are now forever

the finest of them all
for you
are a miracle worker.

© September 2013

19 September, 2013


With wanton abandon
we stood and rose
queued and booed our voices hoarse
champions of democrazy we were

in the innocence of babes
we raised our visuals
and shared our visions
and dreams of possibilities
we were wrong perhaps
but choices we made none-the-less

now in the ripeness of time
we bow and bend and engage
in contorted performances of barren faith

in search of the vision

our once-Jubilated faces
now dressed in melancholic indifference
we shudder to imagine
we were fooled and tooled
we cry ... ... in silent surrender
we curse ... ... in silent trepidation
of what may come

September it merely is
not so removed from March 4th

we are captives
in this our self-made prison
of distorted identities

who really are we
in this game numbers
and celebrated tyrannies

 © September 2013