
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

29 July, 2013


No respector of hue
the sky opens
to all of God's creation

thunder rings to all alike
poorest of the rich
and blondest of geeks

though sojourners
into the future we may be
our feetpaths point backwards
in this law of opposites

backwards and forwards
in constant  antagonisms

or is this a return to the future?

 © July 2013

27 July, 2013


we chase in haste
the fleeting aromas of life
we strive to conform
in a world in need of reforms

but who are you to judge
the living or the dead

yet morality hangs by a noose
as guardians dance away
in earthly purgatories

we swing and sway
sway and sashay
in the rhythmic cries
of suffocated humanness

we are holding hands
we are holding breathe
we are waiting to exhale

in the end
only life matters.

 © July 2013