
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

23 May, 2012

80-20 RULE

I stood in the cliff
and smiled my pain away
i walked through the fire
and smelt the sour odour of death

i reached for the star
grabbed receding silhouettes
but drowned in own stupidity

now am amazed,
when all i left for
no longer seems as before
you are lost

we are man
sometimes mad
but man-the-less

like an eel

no one can arrest the wind
not more than squeeze an eel
between our palms

you are man

 © May 2012


Dance my brother, dance.
when the heart wants and the legs tremble
it is time to DANCE

for the ancestors long gone
may be warming your pure blood
into excited rebellion

so dance when you can
brother while you can 
dance brother Wilson
Idahosa Aiwuyor
just dance

© May 2012

01 May, 2012


Sometimes i smile when it rains
sometimes i cry and smile as well
good days are when i forget the rain
and forget the lightning strike that tore asunder

sometimes i think to refuse to think
just to postpone a reality check
but that's like sailing against the wind

sometimes i want to quit
curse and dislocate


sometimes every end is a beginning
every beginning is an end
birth and death
or is it death and birth?

am i not ever so happy now!

© May 2012


pressure knows and grows
from all angles
protuberant ambitions
threaten a generation's cause

our visions of the possible
diminish with every step
towards the mighty exit
derailment is thus imminent

am i discarding
the prophetic visions?
or merely rediscovering
new ambitions?

should i hit the 'send'
or stock the 'draft'

conceding defeat
is not an option.

© April 2012