
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

18 October, 2009


Life comes at you first
Fast and furious
You twitch and turn
Contortedly you slide through
This peephole
You forgot it’s a one-way
So you can’t see back
But you feel and suspect
You know
Your feet is dangling

Your neck breaking
Cracking ….. …..
You cry .... Silently
Your shoulders stuck
Behind the wooden frame
Soaked but unrelenting
And you cry the more
Silently still
You are a man
So you must cry
Only silently

Here you are now

Hanging out with mortality
A place you don’t belong
You should have asked
All the while I was here
Beside and behind you
Before you
You should have asked
Let it out and breath with ease
Share …
But you were a man
Now here you are
Hanging out with mortality
A place you don’t belong

You should have asked

J.B ODHIAMBO: A tribute

You were the blazing wind
That swept the savannah
Singing relentlessly
To the suppleness
Of tender blades

You were the sun's rays
That permeated
The thick undergrowth
Of childhood vanities
Our forested ignorance
You mowed down with ease

I salute you, my redemptor
I salute dedication to a cause
And curse the cunny fate
That led you to vanity

You were the star
That led the flock
To the evergreen mangers
Of the academia
You were the lone oasis
A rejuvenation to all
I owe my all to you
Great shepherd
Head shepherd

Though gone
We shall pass the dreams
We must uphold in your memory
The simplicity and dedication
Even to the hills yonder
For the generations to come

May you realise
Even in your distant presence
That you are never alone
In your humble abode
That the brightness of your soul
Will forever connect us
You and Us
With the eternal rhythm
Of universal peace


I Called in the Morning...

..... i knew that you had probably started work
and your phone would be off
but i still tried to call you in the morning
at around 9ish
because i missed you terribly
all of a sudden
an i couldn't resist it

celltel went through
but safaricom said mteja, so it was difficult
to know if ua phone was off or
safaricom had issues

but i missed u so much,
and i just wanted to hear your voice
and wish u a good day b4 i retire to bed
twas a round 2am here
had been thinking about you
about me
about us and it was beautiful
like that attachment Nje sent us

wish i could say better
use clearer words
invent new phrases
and birth a new language 2 xpress me
but i can't

i can only but say:
you the one, STILL
{for Sweets, 21st may '09}


As the roses rise
And blossom tomorrow,
And Lianas sway
In the morning dew,
May your affection
For loved ones
Join in the Serenade
Of enduring oneness.

May your path,
Forever evade
The shrubs of solitude
Let the fire… and the ice
Of tomorrow’s passion
Mingle to consummate
Your vowed