
... happy you're here, finally. these random thoughts are random, the poetry is from pseudo -poets and any likeness to any human being, living or not so alive, is purely (well, mostly) coincidental. enjoy

08 March, 2009

When an Angel is Born

What, for lack of words
Can a man so distant say
But a truly Happy Birthday
To an Angel so deserving
Of eternal happiness

What soothing serenades
Can a heart so captured sing
When love,
Though so far removed
Flourishes thru’ the vastness
of transatlantic engagements

.... Happy Birthday Reginah.

You will celebrate this milestone
Yet another stride closer to perfection
Immerse yourself in this (our) celebration
You must savour this moment Babylov
And do not allow the hassles of/for tomorrow
to steal away its fleeting magic

What else, for lack of words
does a man so favoured by destiny say
On the birthday of a being so very special?

Yet like before,
I know you will prevail
Upon the roughest of tempests

Still I know
That in the darkest of moments
and the coldest of nights
The radiance of your Big Heart
will shine you thru’
And when the sun rises tomorrow
You will stretch your gifted hands
To claim your earned victory
Forever assured
In this world,
In my world
And in our world,
Forever assured of a place so secure
For that was the promise!!

Happy Birthday Honeywell
Now, And always.

4.00 pm 16th february, 2009. Syracuse, NY


we shall overcome
the evolution of a police state
we shall overcome
the shattering of youthful voices
we shall overcome
the darkness that envelopes our nation today
we shall overcome,
because we can, and yes
we have overcome in the past...

overcome mightier rivers and larger 'Mugumo's'
overcome blazing guns and cracking of police whips
overcome the batons and water-hoses and breathing horses
overcome the return of Nyayo Torture Chambers
and overcome betrayal of our hopes
our aspirations,

if bloodletting demands, we shall
if leadership demands, we must
if sacrifice demands, we should
overcome we will
because we must reclaim our republic
from neo-colonial relics that hold us captive to the dark testaments
of yesterday-years
reclaim us from the old ways of old men for old men
from the assassins and betrayers of Uhuru
from those who silence and erase
the true (s)heroes of our Jamhuri

we shall arise to take the place of fallen (s)heroes
we shall hold their dreams alive
remember them in the solitary silence
of our collective deprivation
in the slums of Kibera and Korogocho
where they shared our poverty
and verbalised our misery

it may be now or then
yesterday or today, but reclaim our republic we must
i say Organize, not Agonize!
for the spirits of the departed we must
for the sake of 2morrow we should
and yes we shall
because we can
and so we must !!

R.I.P Comrade Oulu GPO
Tell J.M Kariuki we know
Tell Robert Ouko we remember
Say Jambo to Bishop Alexander Muge
Father John Kaiser and Tom Mboya too
Pio Gama Pinto still lives, so does Kimathi
Tell Jomo his rattle snakes are biting hard

But we, THE PEOPLE, Shall overcome !!
